Fiore Republic is a boys' wear collection inspired by dried flowers, botanical illustration, the majesty of Seville, and the mystery of Istanbul -both locations inspired by floral motifs. The collection consists of dress clothes targeted at young teen aged males now making new fashion conscious decisions. Jackets are reminiscent of bull fighter's boleros, snuggly fitted and padded on the shoulders. They are both sleeved and sleeveless and have traditional lapels, shawl collar, collarless, or draped labels. Shirts are slim fitted with tall and standard collars. Pants have interesting scalloped closures and waistbands influenced by detailing on Turkish mosques.
The ultra unique young man the collection is developed for spends much time observing people and the flux of the world. He enjoys looking well and engaging in adult conversations. He is on an ever search for answers.
Illustrations are rendered in photoshop cs6.